January 13, 2011


I decided to post some prose today, since I haven't done that yet.  I haven't written a lot of prose lately, because it involves a lot more time.    Also, poetry usually comes more easily to me, which may have something to do with the scattering of ideas that is my usual thought process.  Below is the essay I wrote for acceptance into college with some much needed recent revisions.


The quiet breeze is peacefully blowing through my hair.  I can smell the pine needles all around me.  My hands are sticky from the sap, which clung to me as I climbed to the top.  I love this tree.  It is the one place I can go and know it will be completely quiet, except for the constant buzz of the busy bees and the occasional call of one whippoorwill to its mate.  This tree and I are good friends and like all good friends she is always where I can find her.  Even though it can be hard to walk through thick woods to get to her, I know that sometimes you must go through the rough spots to get to the wonderful things in life.

It is pure joy as I get to the foot of her trunk.  Then as if we are performing a graceful dance, I climb her branches to the top as she sways in the breeze.  The hum of silence is our music.  As I climb I know that the perfect spot is up there waiting for me.  A little nook in the tree that is shaped just right.  A relaxing place to sit, rest my arms, and set my head.  As I get closer to this spot accomplishment starts to set in.  I have climbed this tree at least twenty times every summer, but it feels just as great to get to the top each time.  I must be careful not to knock off any bark or needles, because I care for my friend.  When I finally reach the spot I am aiming for, I feel a sigh of relief throughout my body.  I sit and think.  I think about life, love and friendship.  I love this tree.  She is my best friend; no matter how much I talk, complain, gossip, cry, laugh, or reminisce, she always listens.  This tree has taught me the greatest lesson in life.  Be a kind and loving being.  Whenever everything seems to be going wrong for someone, it is my job to be their tree, to stand where they can always find me, and to listen unconditionally.

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